Ontario Helping Restore Wetlands in the City of Pickering

Conservation partners receive funding from historic $30-million investment to protect local wetlands

PICKERING — The Ontario government has invested over $925,000 in two projects led by conservation organizations to restore and enhance wetlands in the City of Pickering. These projects are among hundreds of local wetlands restoration projects that are helping to improve water quality, help prevent flooding and build climate resiliency.

“I am very proud that Ontario is partnering with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to restore and enhance the health of wetlands in Pickering,” said Andrea Khanjin, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. “Wetlands are vital ecosystems and we will continue to support projects that ensure they are protected, now and in the future.”

The Wetlands Conservation Partner Program represents one of the largest investments in wetland restoration in Ontario’s history. The five-year, $30-million program supports a wide range of projects, restoring and enhancing large-scale wetlands, smaller wetlands on agricultural lands, and wetlands in more urban areas as part of municipal stormwater management.

As part of this program, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) received over $585,000 in 2023 to restore a wetland at a previous aggregate extraction site in the Brock North Headwater Wetland Complex area of the City of Pickering that will improve water drainage in this important ecological area. Restoration of this area will also improve habitat for fish and wildlife, including Atlantic salmon and brook trout, and will provide future recreational opportunities for the public.

In 2022, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) received approximately $340,000 to restore swamp habitat and transform the old aggregate extraction site in the Brock North area into a natural heritage and recreational destination. Restoration activities at the project site included adding soil, reshaping the landscape and planting native species to restore its natural drainage patterns and swamp habitat. The project is complete and the site is ready for visitors.

Quick Facts

  • On July 5, 2023, the province announced up to $6.9 million in investments for approximately 100 local conservation projects to restore and enhance more than 2,400 acres of wetlands across the province.
  • Since the program launched in 2020, $20 million has been invested in over 330 wetland projects, restoring and enhancing approximately 7,200 acres of wetlands across the province. That’s about eight times the size of the Toronto Islands.
  • In the first two years of the program, an estimated $6 million of damage due to flooding has been avoided and over 170 green jobs were created in Ontario’s rural and near-urban communities to undertake restoration work.
  • The Ontario government recently announced an additional $14 million investment in the Greenlands Conservation Partnership. The conservation program helps partner organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Ontario Land Trust Alliance, to secure, restore and manage new protected wetlands, grasslands and forests areas and increase the number of conserved natural spaces for Ontarians to enjoy.


“The Wetlands Conservation Partner Program is one of the largest investments in wetland restoration in Ontario’s history. This initiative not only enhances water management but also revitalizes habitat for Atlantic salmon, brook trout and other wildlife. It’s an investment in the environment and a promise of a better future for both nature and our citizens.”

– Peter Bethlenfalvy
MPP for Pickering-Uxbridge

“TRCA is proud to partner with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, the City of Pickering and Region of Durham as we continue working on our shared vision to restore wetlands in the Duffins Creek watershed in Durham Region. This investment will help TRCA and our partners restore vital ecological functions and wildlife habitat within the Brock North Lands, benefiting nearby communities. We greatly appreciate this commitment by the province to environmental stewardship of this area.”

– John MacKenzie
Chief Executive Officer of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

“For more than 17 years, the OFAH has been working with the province and partners to restore Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario. We are thankful for the ministry’s significant financial contributions to these wetlands restoration projects, and for our local partner TRCA’s work here at Brock North and the many other projects we’ve worked on together to benefit Atlantic salmon and the Duffins Creek fishery.”

– Angelo Lombardo
Executive Director of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters

“The City of Pickering recognizes and celebrates its unique natural heritage features and appreciates the distinct benefits they provide to the community and environment. This investment signifies a shared commitment to preserving, protecting and enhancing these important ecosystems. On behalf of all Members of Council, I thank the Government of Ontario, TRCA and OFAH for their restoration efforts.”

– Kevin Ashe
Mayor of the City of Pickering

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