Service Ontario: offers several services such as requesting a birth, marriage, or death certificate; renewing your driver’s license or health card; registering your vehicle; becoming an organ or tissue donor; change your address; change your name; hunting and fishing licenses; and more
Ontario Photo Card
Register a newborn baby
Get an accessible parking permit
Seniors: find a place to live
Employment Ontario: a service that helps Ontarians get training, build skills, or find a job.
Ontario Works: apply for social assistance benefits
Ontario Disability Support Program: apply for social assistance benefits as a result of a disability
Consumer Protection Ontario: a service that promotes consumers’ rights.
Ontario 511 : Provides up to the minute traffic and transit information for Ontario.
InfoGo: a directory of Government of Ontario employees and organizations
Government of Ontario News
Ontario Ombudsman: an independent Officer of the Provincial Legislature who oversees complaints about the provincial government when all other complaint mechanisms were unsatisfactory.
Find your provincial riding
Visit the Ontario Legislative Assembly
Watch what’s currently happening in the Legislative Chamber
Bills before the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: see what legislation your representatives are currently discussing.
Ontario’s ministries: learn about Ontario’s ministries, ministers, and how they serve Ontario.
Telehealth Ontario: Get fast, free medical advice
Health Care Connect: find doctors currently accepting new patients
Lake Ridge Health
Central East (LHIN) oversees health care and medical services in the Central East Region. Contact the LHIN if you have a complaint that was not resolved by the doctor or hospital staff.
Patient Ombudsman: investigates health care complaints. Contact the Ombudsman if you have a complaint that was not resolved by the doctor, hospital staff, or LHIN.
Application to Change an Adults Name
Application to Change a Childs Name
Marriage License Application
OHIP Document List
Ontario Birth Certificate Application
Ontario Death Certificate Application
Request for Marriage or Death Certificate
Request for Marriage Certificate Application